Friday, July 25, 2008


I have been dealing with a pain in the tooth for a week now. It started with pain about 2 weeks ago. I soon realized it was not sinus problems as it had the old hot and cold sensitivity. So I went to the dentist- and yes it was a root canal. Nothing new in that. I have had a number of those.

Well, the pain didn't entirely go away after stage one. Not a surprise I am told. The infection and pressure from the dying tooth will linger. Inflammation, etc. Yesterday I went back for the second stage of the procedure. And left hurting again. I shouldn't be surprised. I have a history of seldom having tooth problems solved in easy ways. I won't go into the history but usually if something will make a dental procedure act up, it will happen to me.

So in the middle of the night, actually about 4:00 this morning I was awakened by intense pain. I got up and took some ibuprofen and settled in on the couch since I could snuggle into the corner sitting up and not have to lie on the tooth-side. Now there's nothing particularly humbling in this, of course, other than to be reminded that I am not invincible and can have pain, etc.

The humbling part came this morning when my wife (of many years!) got up and asked what time I had gone out to the living room. I then find out that she woke up about half an hour after I did, got up, walked into the kitchen, turned out the light, and went back to bed.

And neither noticed I was gone or that I was sitting in the living room not 5 feet from where she turned off the light.

So it goes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That bites!

I hope you feel better soon.