Friday, March 13, 2020

Finding Peace in a Pandemic

The spread of this disease can be prevented by personal behaviors.

So said an Alabama State Health Department spokesman this morning. That statement is true on many levels. Not the least of those is the mental health and attitude we bring to the situation. I heard this as I was just finishing making a list that I called Finding Peace in a Pandemic.

·      Do what’s right. Always!
·      Don’t take undue risks.
·      Think about others and how we all impact each other.
·      Keep informed, but don’t obsess.
·      Turn off the constant news chatter for at least several hours at a time.
·      Take a walk outside or read a good book.
·      Keep in touch with family and friends.
·      Trust God and let go- whatever that means to you.
·      Take care of yourself and your family.
·      Keep engaged, or get reengaged with hobbies.
·      It is not the end of the world.
·      Meditate on the beauty of the world even when it feels dark.
·      There is light out there- and within you.
·      Maintain your spiritual, emotional, and physical balance.
·      Be wise, not rash.
·      Don’t judge- we all cope in our own ways.
·      Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Talk about it but don’t obsess on it.
·      If you can’t do something about the situation, don’t try to.
·      Practice and live peace and mindfulness in all that you do as much as you can and let the rest just be there.

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