Saturday, September 07, 2019

The Same Difference?

I've been reading the book, The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis about the financial crisis of 2007–2008  and had a sort of "A-ha" moment. In general, and the short version, it goes like this:

  • The supposedly smart ones (financial advisor, business leaders, politicians) did not believe the data that a catastrophe was imminent in the subprime field because, if it happened the catastrophe would be so great, it couldn't happen.
  • The wise ones (business leaders, politicians) do not believe the data on that climate change catastrophe will happen because, if it happened the catastrophe would be so great, it can't happen.
The even more generalized view:
  • The belief is that the greater the possibility of a catastrophe, the less likely it is to happen- if not impossible.
  • When catastrophes DO happen, it is not the financial advisors, business leaders, and politicians who are impacted the most. They make money and are often even not implicated in the causes of the catastrophe.
  •  It will always be the poor and those who have few resources to do anything about it who will be hurt the most.
I will just leave it at that.

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