Sunday, February 05, 2012

My Opinion- Though No One Has Asked

My favorite commercials:

  1. The Naked M & Ms. Funny. But really, chocolate porn?
  2. The Mayan Apocalypse for Chevy, even though I am a Ford owner. Loved the Twinkies at the end.
  3. Skechers racing dog doing the backward walk across the finish line.

Most inspirational ad:
Clint Eastwood and Chrysler's half-time ad. Great job.

Speaking of half-time, not bad but dull. Never been a Madonna fan, anyway.

As to the game... I'm still in grief from the Packers' loss two weeks ago. Congratulations to Aaron Rodgers and the well-deserved MVP award for the season.

But, what an ending. And, yes, I am glad the Giants won. Manning is an amazing leader.

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