Thursday, January 05, 2012

Start The New Year With Soul

One of the emails I subscribe to is from a recovery-based site called In The Rooms. On Sunday last week, Jan 1, as I was recuperating in the hospital and feeling sorry for myself, I got the following. It named what had happened the evening before and I am sure had a lot to do with the improvements in that day. I saw SOUL on New Year's Eve and Day.

Seeing Soul

Today I will see soul in the ordinary. Wishing, waiting and hoping for soul to be hand-delivered to me, tied up in a neat little ribbon, and read to me like a report will not bring me closer to my soul experience. I will discover soul in my day, I will allow it to surface and recognize it when it does. Soul is everywhere waiting for me to see it. I will cultivate this seeing as part of my personal discipline - looking past the surface, staying with what surrounds me until I feel it gently transform, become deeper, luminous, extraordinary. When I learn to really see soul in the ordinary, it will present itself to me. It will show me its true radiance. I will see what I have not seen and be surrounded by soul.

I will learn to see soul.

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