Saturday, March 21, 2009

Longer Than Expected

The week was longer than expected. No, not in hours, but in what I felt like at the end of the week. For years as a pastor I would make visits to people post-surgery, either in the hospital (in long ago days when they stayed longer) or at home in more serious situations. One of those "Things To Say" at times like that was, "Well, it takes time to recuperate from surgery. Take it easy."

I had people telling me the same thing prior to surgery and then when people would call me to find out how I was doing. Yes, I believed it was true. Yes, I knew it takes time for the body to recover after the trauma of surgery. A lot of things happen to your body in even relatively simple surgeries like mine.

But I was feeling so good. Sure, there were times in those first two weeks that I would get really tired really quickly. But last Monday I knew I was ready to go back to work. I felt good. The pain was minimal. I spend a lot of time sitting at work- either in group or at my desk. My wife took me to the front door of the building and picked me up at the end of the day. I would wonder when a nurse at work would ask with surprise, "You're back to work full days?" Or another would stop by and ask if I was doing okay. Should be a cinch I thought.

In many ways it was. Until last night when I guess all the adrenaline and self-pushing finally came to an end. I was exhausted. It was not a difficult week. There were no more crises than normal. I really enjoyed it. But by last evening I was done. I had no energy. I sat like a blob for a while at the computer then went and did the same in front of the tube. I did some crosswords online.

And went to bed early. On a Friday night.

The moral of the story- pay attention to folk wisdom and the wisdom of experience and observation. Even when you already know it- pay attention. There is probably something to learn, a truth that is more important than facts - or even how you think you feel.

Oh, yes. Also pay attention to yourself and your body. It will tell you when you have hit bottom. Don't fight it. It's not worth it.

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