Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back To Work

Well, I'm almost done with my first week back at work since the surgery three weeks ago yesterday. Amazing how fas they get you back on the mend these days.

It has been a good and relatively easy time. There was some few times at the beginning of the week when my stamina/energy level slipped a bit. But I just sat back, took a breath and rested a moment or so and I got past it. Evenings were a little slow but I didn't start back to band practice on Monday but will probably go tonight.

Pain? not really. Some discomfort and tightness around the muscles of the lower back. I would guess that's still the healing process. I have been walking around and have had none of the symptoms I had before surgery. I am still unwilling to say it is better. Superstition I guess. I just say I continue to be cautiously optimistic.

One of the interesting things going back to work was that I missed working. No, not because I was bored, although there were days and times. But because

a) I like my job
b) I like the people I work with.

I don't see how it would be possible to be that "unstructured" (i.e. with no regular schedule or set of things to do.) For my entire working life there have only been a few times when I didn't look forward to work. Often because of being "underemployed" or mis-employed. I guess retirement can be good- but just sitting around is not my idea of fun. If you enjoy your life's work, who says you need to quit doing it?

Maybe re-arrange it a little or add some flexibility, but that's not where I am today.

So, one more day this week. Then a three-day weekend. (I have Monday off since I work next Saturday.)

I'm glad I had the surgery and the time off. It wasn't as bad as anticipated. But I am even happier that I am now back at work.

Next will be getting back to some of my exercising and then- Spring weather- and bicycling!

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