Tuesday, June 09, 2009

On Becoming a Smart Person

Management guru Seth Godin did it again on his blog last week.

If you're in a meeting with smart people and they start discussing a term or concept you don't understand, what do you do?

Do you know what recombinant DNA is? Analytics? Chapter 7? Fair use? RSS? The Long Tail?

If smart people in your industry are talking about an issue you don't know cold, it's very important that you don't just sit there and nod your head sagely. I think there are two constructive paths. The first is to ask. "Wait, I was with you until a second ago. What does that mean?" You'll be amazed at how smart and engaging this makes you seem if you say it at the right time.

The second approach is to write it down and not go to bed that night until you know the topic better than the person who brought it up. How else, precisely, are you going to become one of the smart people?
I am always amazed at how common sense can be so profound. I guess that is what marks the difference between someone like Seth Godin and most of the rest of us. He has the ability to get to the basics and strip away all the gloss we place over things.

When you think about it, this advice is foundamental. If you don't know something- learn about it. You don't have to become an expert, just know what it's about and how it applies to you or your field of expertise. As you broaden your awareness and knowledge of the world around you you will be smarter. And on top of your own game all the more.

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