Monday, December 17, 2012

A Prayer After Newtown

A Prayer for Our Journey from Violence to Wholeness

Spirit of God, we long to mend the broken circle.
We long to heal the fractures in the world around us and within our own souls.
To learn from one another the ways of living fully alive.
To transform those parts of ourselves and our world
that block our making contact with our deepest reality
and with the deepest, richest and most sacred dimensions of all other beings.

Spirit of God, we long to see reality.
To contact our deepest yearning for a world pulsing with justice and truth.
To dream of a society where we all sit down at the Great Banquet,
where every person eats until they are full.

Spirit of God, we long to discover anew the courage deep within us.
To see and to listen. To discover our true selves.
To take steps to stop the cycle of violence
in our homes, in our work-places, in our neighborhoods, in our country, in our wide world.


Tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday: Some reflections on Newtown.

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