Monday, April 30, 2012

Crazy- In A Cool Kind Of Way

Last week I was waiting at the doctor's office and picked up a magazine. There was an article abot "Super Athletes and a side-article (more than a side-bar) about older athletes and their accomplishments. One was a gentleman named Sandy Scott. In the brief blurb is said that he received a broken neck in his fourth competition and has gone on to hold records for his age group in cycling. It concluded that he didn't start cycling until age 64.

Wow. I have 5 years on him. I started at 59 getting ready for my 60th birthday.

In any case I was intrigued. The older I have gotten the more interested I have become in things like my health and doing things that if not unusual are at least not at the top of the list of things 63-year olds do. I went Googling for info and sure enough I found it. At his website. Broken Neck to Broken Records. Quite a guy. He seems to be about 9 years older than I am and has quite a life and a number of careers.

On his page was a link to a video (below) and another site called Growing Bolder. (Instead of growing older!) I went surfing over there and found a whole community of like-minded souls. Crazy in what I hope is a cool sort of way- not willing to just sit around and think that life is over. There are entertainers (like The Boss) and people in sports, business, leisure, etc.Their trademark statement is "It's Not About Age. It's About Attitude."

Amen to that!

As my recuperation from surgery has progressed I find myself getting more and more ready to kick it all up a notch. I will fill you in as it progresses.

Here's the video on one of my new role models- Sandy Scott.

Find more inspiring video, audio, and images at Growing Bolder.


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