Saturday, August 27, 2011

Several for Fun

So, sitting around with little to do but continue recuperating from my surgery and the Twins continuing to lose, I decided to just play around a little with Paint Shop Pro and some of my Target Field pictures from this past season. (How quickly we are ready to call it "past.")  I have never spent a lot of time playing with the different effects of PSP so, in spite of well over a decade of using the various versions of the program, I am a novice at this.

I know that these are not my "artistic ability" but rather the programs. Give me a chance and some extra time and I have no idea what I will discover.

 Just some layers and colors with merge features and the skyline gets a whole new look.

I don't know what I did for sure on this one. It's semi-surrealism sure fits this years Twins season. At least in my befuddled mind.

I will be going to one more game and will probably still be doing some posts and pictures before that. But that's enough for tonight.

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