Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Little Droplets

Since I was scheduled for surgery yesterday, I spent some good time over at Whitewater State Park on Sunday. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't too nature-deprived going into surgery. I am sure my mental and physical health depended on it.


As I was walking along I became aware of the many little drops of water that were still hanging around on the plants. It had been a foggy morning and the sun hadn't hit parts of the ground area yet.


So I just started looking around and taking pictures. Using Paint Shop Pro I then did some zooming and cropping and came up with this set of pictures.




Sometimes the water is like a lens, other times it is a decoration, and still others, like a gem hidden deep within the very fabric of the plant or grass. Some of them take on more meaning when cropped and contrasted with the surroundings. Some just stand out.

In the end it was a time of renewal and exploration for me. I never get tired of walking the same paths and using that camera lens to dig into areas I might never have seen.

Did it help get me ready for surgery? Mentally, I am sure it did. But since this is being written and posted the day before the surgery, well, I will have to wait until I get back here and get a post ready for tomorrow.

I hope I never become nature-deprived. What a dull and colorless life that would be.

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