Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I Am Deeply Saddened

Last Monday the Marin Institute, which calls itself an Alcohol Industry Watchdog had an article that Tour de France super athlete and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong has signed a deal with Anheuser-Busch (ABI) to sell Michelob Ultra

as a low-calorie beer for “health-minded, active drinkers.”
The article went on:
Does Armstrong not even understand the connection between alcohol consumption and cancer, or does he think low-calorie beer doesn’t count? There’s nothing healthy about beer, no matter how few calories a bottle may contain. The health myth, as it's been promoted by Big Alcohol, has been soundly debunked.

Of course, ABI wasted no time resurrecting the myth by saying: “Armstrong was the perfect spokesman for Michelob Ultra, which targets health-minded, active drinkers. Having dominated a sport that requires such a physical commitment, Lance is the perfect athlete to connect with adult beer drinkers who lead active lifestyles," said Vice President of Marketing Keith Levy.
Now, I know that there are lots of reasons why Lance, or any athlete would be an ad-man for beer (or any product.) But I do wonder about the advisability of something like this. I am saddened after the way Armstrong's Live Strong campaign has pushed health. And there are even strong connections between excessive alcohol consumption and certain cancers. Not to mention that alcohol-related illnesses may be as much as 20% of health care costs.

But this is of course Armstrong's choice. It doesn't diminish what he has done or the Live Strong campaign. I just wish he had thought a little more deeply about the issue.

Note: Lance does endorse other things. The Awesomer posted today about an indoor stationary cycle that he endorses. It appears to be a good, high-end that runs about $1,000.

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