Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Pondering Point on a Sunday

A recent cartoon from David Hayward, The Naked Pastor:

I am sure that this has been true for me at many times in my life. It has probably been true almost every day of my life- including today. As hard as it may be to believe on the good days, my "theology"- my interpretation of my experiences with God- so shapes who I am and what I see around me that I would bet that I have missed more experiences of God than I have seen.

That is
  1. scary
  2. humbling
  3. angering
because I can't seem to get beyond it. I am a creature of my habits and my history.

Perhaps that is why one of the most important prayers can simply be:
I believe.
Help my unbelief.

1 comment:

Acedog said...

Who was it who said, "I mistrust any theology that can't be lived?"