Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Slow-down in Reading

Of all the things that have gone along with the recent move and job change the one that has surprised me is my reading. Or rather my lack of it. As a quick glance at the right sidebar would tell you I love to read. I read and read and read. I grew up reading cereal boxes, dictionaries, magazines, and the encyclopedia. I wander through libraries seeing more books than there are days left to read. An hour in a bookstore is almost as bad as an hour in a bar for a recovering alcoholic.

But when the brain and thought processes get ovewhelmed something has to give. One of the first, oddly enough, is reading. I can't make my brain keep moving when it has been processing so much other information. A magazine- that's not bad. The articles are short and you don't have to concentrate too hard unless it's a professional journal. My significant shift in the sleep cycle has also had an impact. I used to be able to read for about an hour before falling asleep. I could get up at 9:00 and have had good sleep. Now I'm up at six. And exhausted at 10:00 pm.

So the reading has slipped- big time. I am enjoying the hours off- evenings are great. But I am grieving the loss of reading time. I have been through this before of course. ADD gets worse when you are going through such changes- and it usually works itself through. I have a bunch of books on the runway and am looking forward to them. So, even though I have not had the book reviews and responses recently, I promise they will be back. Reading is still the greatest.

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