Saturday, December 31, 2005

A Year of Posts
Well, this is Day 365 of 2005. There ain't no more left.

A year ago I made a spiritual resolution that I would blog every day of the year. Well, there are enough posts for every day since some days had two, but I did miss three days.

  1. April 7 when Blogger was down.
  2. July 16 in the middle of a bluegrass Jam Camp where I had no Internet connection
  3. August 14 when I had no connection available due to travelling and the Wi-Fi being down in the motel where I was staying.
I have found this quite an engaging experience. The spiritual discipline of journaling is quite fruitful. It begins to open ones eyes and soul to the spiritual in the world around us. It challenged me to theologize in new ways about what I was seeing. It simply made me think.

Now, not everything was about God and the Spiritual or Faith.

Unless you
  • Include the ability to enjoy all of life as Spiritual.
  • Or respond to the activities of the world as an act of Faith.
  • Or just have a good time as part of what God wants us to have.
  • Or do as Karl Barth suggested of preaching with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other
  • Or know that what is happening around us is always a call to praise or prayer.
So, as the year winds to a close, I think I'll re-up for another 365. I have a hunch that God will be there, too.

Happy New Year to all!

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