Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Passover Begins

14th century German illuminated Haggadah for Passover.

Why is this night different from all other nights? is the question asked on this special night in Jewish homes and gatherings for the Seder meal.

It was a long time ago and the people were slaves in Egypt. It was a long time ago and the people of God needed liberation. On this night that freedom began to be a reality. So tonight bitter herbs and unleavened bread are reminders of that need for freedom- as if the people today were there.

In telling the story on this night that is different from all other nights the people are there. The people tonight will experience the freedom again. Not just because it happened all those centuries ago, but because it can- and will- be happening tonight. Freedom- liberation- will be proclaimed from homes and synagogues around the world.

Also- a long time ago on this night Jesus gathered with his friends for the Passover meal. Which is why we who claim to be His followers should not fail to note this important evening.

No, we are not to usurp the celebration as some foreshadowing of the Last Supper or some sort of typology or metaphor. In and of itself the Passover stands on its own. It did for Jesus as he celebrated the Exodus from Egypt and the Passover of the angel of death. We Christians can see how Jesus took that theme from ancient Egypt and brought it into His context. But that is a different story- one our Jewish brothers and sisters do not need to celebrate. But tonight we can join our spiritual voices, hearts, and souls in knowing that God is at work in freeing slaves and letting the oppressed go free tonight.

May all be freed by the actions of God in the world however He may choose to work.

Hallel. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

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