Monday, April 06, 2009

One Last Time Around

Twins-v-Yankees. June, 2008.
Take me out to the ballgame.

Yes, today is the day across the leagues.

Opening Day.

Tonight the Minnesota Twins will begin their last season in the Metrodome. This is the last Opening Day in the 'dome.

Next April the new field will be ready and baseball will return to the great outdoors of Minneapolis. I agree that baseball has a lot more going for it in an open-air field. I am looking forward to seeing some games in the new Target Field.

Yet, I wonder. Last year Minneapolis had a near-blizzard on opening day, and we had blizzard warnings just 100 miles south of the 'dome yesterday.....

But we worry about that in another 365 days- if we even have to. Today...

Play ball and let's have a great last season at the 'dome!

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