Saturday, April 25, 2009

Famous Trains

Keeping with the "transportation" theme of the Seaway post, I noted on Mental Floss Blog a Quick 10 list of 10 Famous Trains. These included the Cannonball Express (think Casey Jones- yes, he was real), the Orient Express, the Hiawatha trains, and the Orange Blossom Special, among others.

They asked in comments for famous trains I might have known. Well, I have been fortunate to ride on the City of New Orleans (Illinois Central) and the Broadway Limited (Pennsylvania RR) in the 60s and the Lakeshore Limited, Cardinal, Capitol Limited, Empire Builder, and Hiawatha in their Amtrak incarnations. I have also been on Spain's AVE high speed train between Seville and Madrid.

Trains are a great experience when done well. They offer you the ability to sit back and relax, move around and enjoy some incredible scenery. It is still sad the way we have misused and abused the idea of train travel both through a non-supportive policy and an even more non-supportive RR companies in the last century that took what they could from them and left them go down.

(Pictures: (Right) Amtrak at Rockville, PA, bridge, 1983. (Left) AVE at station in Seville, April 2002. pmPilgrim photos.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Oh, but it isn't profitable" is the line I always hear. More taxes. Nevermind the service it provides, and frees up trucking and interstates. Plus the best ad of all where they show how far a container can travel on 1 gallon of gas as opposed to a truck.