Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Final Countdown
Well, tomorrow is the big day for The Oscars. With so much “controversy” over the low box-office, indie status of this year’s nominees, and the supposed lack of interest in the winners, I think it has been a good movie season. So, having seen four out of the five nominees, here’s my summary thoughts:

  • Brokeback Mountain- The odds on favorite, maybe. But I’m not sure it is the “ground-breaking" film some claim it to be- which may be why it may not be able to overcome its “ground-breaking” hype to win in the end. What is it? It is an epic story set in epic dimensions and scenery of people caught in their own smallness and fear and dreams- and overpowering addictions. It is just plain heart-breakingly beautiful. And deserves to win on its own- and not because it has a “new” old message of love lost.
  • Crash- The up-and-coming former dark horse. Still my favorite movie of the year for its raw emotional pain and power. I wanted to argue, scream “No way! You’re manipulating me!” But that’s the point. Racism- prejudice- is so deeply engrained we fight back to deny it when faced with it.
  • Good Night, and Good Luck- Perhaps the most amazing movie of the year. Standing UP to powerful demagogues, baring their insanity and lies- being real, Edward R. Murrow and Fred Silverman made TV history and changed America for the better. It is a very overtly political movie, but you know- if they can do it, why can’t we.

  • Capote- The most gripping story- an actor’s movie with Hoffman ruling the screen. The power of greed and selfishness and desire- whether it’s the killers or the self-obsessed Truman Capote. A chilling vision of the cold and empty human soul.
Perhaps I am leaning toward Crash because it’s about such an ongoing- and very serious- issue brought powerfully to light by a remarkable ensemble. Brokeback is the epic love lost story. It, too, has great emotional power in the struggle of people in their smallness against both the scenery and their own desires.

Great movies have as much to say about life and the human condition as anything- and they do it in unforgettable ways. It is the combination of
  • entertainment and challenge;
  • fantasy and reality;
  • storytelling and truth.

The BIGGER the movie, however, the greater chance that the story will be overwhelmed, that the BIGNESS will overwhelm the smallness of the people struggling to be human and to win against the odds. Perhaps why this year it is the indies that have shown greatness. Which of these will be remembered in 10 years as GREAT movies? Who knows. Looking back over Oscar nominees and winners there are many movies that have since been lost in the mists of time that "looked" good at the time.

So, I send good luck to all the nominees.
  • My heart goes with Crash.
  • My mind goes with Good Night, and Good Luck.
  • My humanity is challenged by Capote.
  • My soul goes with Brokeback Mountain.
And I still would have liked to have seen Walk the Line in this list.

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