Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Holy Week 2007-
Wednesday - Resting at Bethany

(Based on thoughts from Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan in the book, The Last Week.)

But all is not calm while Jesus rests. Judas is busy. The plans are all coming into place. Soon. It will all happen soon.

Whatever it is.

Even Judas probably has no idea of what this really is about. Whatever his reasons, whatever the thought process that brought him to this decision, all we will ever know is simply that he turned Jesus into the authorities. He worked with the powers that be to set a trap when there weren't a lot of people around.

While Jesus rests in Bethany. He's going to need all the strength he can muster in the next 48 hours. Every ounce of human resource he has will be tested. He probably knows it. Whether he had the complete awareness of God or just a 100% human awareness at that point, it would be perfectly clear that things were heating up. How much the human Jesus really understood is obviously up for debate. But that is not the point.

He was at the center of the storm. He has put himself there. No questions asked. He was preparing for that final confrontation with evil that began with his temptations and will now be brought to its conclusion.

Evil sulked away from that time on the desert, waiting for a better time. Now, it is bringing its forces together. Maybe that's why Jesus talked about the apocalyptic yesterday. His ability to see the forces of evil, an awesome power of discernment, never fails him. Perhaps because, unlike us, he is not fooled by shows of power or promises of wealth and esteem. He is not taken in by calls to glory or military prowess or global domination.

He sees beyond them, through them and into the very heart of the darkness they provide. I am glad I don't have that. I am much too human and have a hunch I would be overwhelmed by what I see. What I am able to discern through my own imperfect and prejudiced view is bad enough.

Judas sneaks around. Jesus rests. It is Wednesday and this weekend is coming.

God help us.

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