Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It's Surprising What You Miss
Sitting here a few moments ago listening on my iPod to Gustav Holst's First Suite for Military Band, one of the greatest wind band compositions ever, I felt a deep sadness. Odd for such a powerful number as the First Suite. Then I realized that I was missing playing the piece. There are some great trumpet parts- for all different trumpets and I have always loved playing that piece.

It has been over a year now since I had to leave the community band because of a work schedule change. Monday night rehearsals are out of the question. It has been the first full year in over 20 years that I have not played in some kind of community band for at least part of the year. There is something about making music that is almost indescribable. Perhaps that is why I hardly pick up the trumpet anymore.

I have a hard time practicing the guitar alone. Music for me is a cooperative effort. I am not a soloist, I play in groups, bands, ensembles. I have had very few solos in my life and most of them have been in church playing with the organ or a piano. I don't do well in musical solos. (Yes, yes, I know this is not your typical trumpet response. Maybe I've just gotten this way with age.)

Which is why I miss the opportunity to make music like I have in the past. To play great compositions (like the First Suite and many others) is to be a part of something that is greater than oneself. No single instrument can play like that. But put it all together and you have an experience that moves the soul. To have even the tiniest involvement in that is worth my weight in gold.

What I guess will have to happen is that I will have to find some other way of having that experience. The Bluegrass Jam Camp is one of those opportunities. But they are few and far between.

Maybe it's time to start looking again, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself.

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