Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Word of Incredibly Deep Insight...
On the news on Friday I heard a comment on a quote from an aid worker or someone in the Middle East. The gist of the quote:

There's something just not right about a war where there are more children dead than armed combatants.
Such a war cannot, by any stretch of the theological imagination, fit the traditional Christian definition of a Just War. In this day and age, I am not sure that any war can ever again meet those standards.

Sadly Fulfilled...
That's what I wrote on Friday evening so I wouldn't forget it and I could post it on Monday. Then I woke up this morning and turned on the news and heard about the strike overnight killing all those women and children in Qana. Words went flying. Lebanon was angry and cancels the visit from Condoleeza Rice who was in Israel where they didn't tell her what had happened. Israel was angry. Hezbollah didn't say anything at the time. The world gets angry. The UN Security Council goes into special session. The US says little of substance. Israel blames Hezbollah, but is starting an investigation. In Lebanon Shi'ites, Sunis and Christians all protested in the streets. Together.

One more day in the world. A world in which wars and rumors of wars are always on the agenda. A world where a Just War theory was developed for two main reasons: First to try to limit the extent of war and second to permit Christians to fight in them. Sadly, it would appear, the only one that worked was the second.

Pray for peace! Pray!

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