Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Vampire for Governor
This is beyond belief. A "kind-hearted," self-proclaimed vampire has announced he is running for governor of Minnesota.

Self-styled "vampyre" Jonathon Sharkey is running for governor on a platform that includes impaling terrorists.
Link to the article in the Star-Tribune.
Here from KARE11 News:
His resume cites experience as a soldier, professional wrestler and boxer, and most recently as a vampyre, and satanic dark priest.

In fact, Sharkey is running under the banner of the Vampyres, Witches, and Pagans party, an organization he himself founded.
Ah, but there's a twist to this as reported by WCCO-TV News:
The partner of a gubernatorial candidate who claims to be a vampire said she was relieved of her duties as a school bus driver because she might be bad role model for students.
Let's not forget that this is the "heartland." What an amazing story to come out of here. Of course, there was another professional wrestler....

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