Monday, April 10, 2006

Via Crucis Grid Blog:
Station #3: Jesus Falls for the First Time

It’s an uphill climb to Calvary, even today. Stones, pebbles, people, uneven paving blocks, merchants, pilgrims. They were in the way. The soldiers led the way clearing things out but it was steep and difficult. It’s hard to keep from tripping.

Put a cross-beam on your shoulders after a long night of beatings and no sleep and it becomes infinitely more difficult. So what happens next is not unexpected.

Jesus trips. He stumbles, loses his balance and falls.

There’s no great theological insight or profound spiritual meaning. He falls. He’s weak and getting weaker. It’s a long way to Calvary, even for Jesus. It’s one foot in front of the other, one agonizing step after another.

Jesus is powerless. He is becoming a living version for all to see of his own statements and preachings- turn the other cheek- love your enemy, anyone can love their friends. This powerlessness is woven into the whole story of Jesus. It shows up this week in all its overwhelming brutality and violence. Remember (how can we forget) that Jesus has emptied himself of the “God-ness” the essence he had with God. Paul says Jesus gave up THAT power to take our powerlessness.

So, here he is, falling. For a moment the one foot doesn’t go in front of the other.

He’s just like me.

In order that I can be just like Him.

  • ___________________________________________________
Posting on the Via Crucis Grid Blog for all the stations:
Renee, Mike, Argent, Best & Worst, Shawn, Joseph, Kat, Rick, Stephanie, Trepanatus

For today:
Station 3) His first fall: Jean, Maggie, PmPilgrim
Station 4) He meets His Blessed Mother: Jean, U2Sermons, Maggie, Elena, Jennifer

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