Sunday, April 09, 2006

Via Crucis Grid Blog:
Station #1: Christ is Condemned to Death

It was a kangaroo court, a miscarriage of justice. He was innocent, the wrong guy.

Or was He? Everything they accused him of had a ring of truth.

  • He is a threat to the law and order of the Pax Romana? Check.
  • He implied He is more important than the Temple? Check.
  • He claims to be the Son of God? Check.
This condemnation by Pilate isn’t the first time this has happened to Jesus. Remember His birth? Herod wanted Him dead then, too. Other's died in his place that time. Not now. Nothing has changed since the Gospel began. It’s just taken another thirtysome years to get it done.

Notice that He’s not complaining. He is ready. His face has been set toward Jerusalem for a while now. “Let’s get on with it,” He seems to be saying. “The time has come.”

So what? Why? It appears so cruel and heartless of God to allow this to happen. From a human perspective, of course it does. I’m a father and there is no way I would condemn my child to this. Not THIS! That is why we fight and struggle and grapple and pray for answers. We know, since we live these many centuries later that there is something at the other end of this week that tells us that this IS part of God’s plan. God knows what it’s all about. I don’t. Not in the sense of understanding and having all the answers. If I understood it completely and had all the answers, I wouldn’t need faith. I wouldn’t need the Holy Spirit to walk with me this week as I, once again, walk with Jesus.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. As I walk with Jesus this week down the ancient Jerusalem streets, may I see the signs that God is placing in front of me, that these events have meaning and hope. May I learn anew- and for the first time- the ways of God.

  • ___________________________________________________
Posting on the Via Crucis Grid Blog for all the stations:
Renee, Mike, Argent, Best & Worst, Shawn, Joseph, Kat, Rick, Stephanie, Trepanatus

For today:
Station 1) Christ is condemned to death: PmPilgrim, Church Geek
Station 2) The cross is laid upon him: Maureen

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