Saturday, April 08, 2006

It's Real- But Truth is Another Matter
The Gospel of Judas has started to make news. National Geographic will have a special presentation on it on Sunday. 21st Century Reformation linked to Ben Witherington's post on this "new" find. As he points out, it's as sure as Easter and the greening of grass in the spring that we begin to hear all kinds of "news" stories.

The issue is often how it's portrayed in the media. In reality, The Gospel of Judas is an insight into the Gnostic sub-genre that thought they were Christian, not whether or not the book is true. Yes, it is an ancient text. But 2000 years from now the "ancient text," The DaVinci Code may get the same coverage.

Yes, it is interesting scholarship and a view into the thinking of an early sect. But is it history. Well, let's not get carried away here.

Link to Ben Witherington's post.

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